Dario Mortini

There's no doubt that the Aphil master prepared me exceptionally well to carry out original research in analytic philosophy. Because of its structure and taught subjects, the master teaches you how to raise and answer the most pressing questions in analytic philosophy. I would say that navigating a complex and rich philosophical literature on a specific philosophical problem is one of the most valuable skills that the master taught me, a skill that I found very useful once I went on to pursue a PhD. Moreover, as a master student I was delighted to attend the various research events taking place at LOGOS (seminars, conferences, workshops). I learned a lot from participating in these events, and they also gave me a clear sense of what a professional career in philosophy looks like. Lastly, and perhaps more importantly, during the master my teachers have always been incredibly inspiring and supportive, listening and answering to my (often silly) questions with patience and care. For these reasons (and more), I can only highly recommend this master to any student interested in a research career analytic philosophy.