Christian Carbonell

If you think philosophy is more about being able to think (and think properly) than about being able to store other people's thoughts, you'll definitely have as great an experience as the one I had in the APhil Master. For the way its courses are taught really encourages you to think critically about philosophical contemporary topics. Although, of course, this is not to say that everything will always be super cool, that you won't struggle at some point during the courses. But, hey - no pain, no gain! Let's say this is an extra lesson you'll learn in this master's - doing philosophy is fun, though it can be quite hard, and that's the point where it gets rewarding. I have to say, however, that I was quite lucky in this respect, as I managed to be surrounded by a group of amazing classmates with whom any struggle became less of a drama than it would've been without otherwise. So here's my suggestion - if the courses are getting hard, you better befriend your classmates and go to La Ovella Negra to talk your worries out over a cold beer!