(Readings might be subject to changes):
Reference & Propositional Content
W1, 04.10: Introduction
Heim & Kratzer, from Semantics in Generative Grammar, Soames, Ch. 2
W2, 11.10: Frege, Reference, and Sense
Frege, “On Sense and Reference”, “Thought”, Soames, Ch. 1, pp. 7-20
W3, 18.10: Russell, Quantification, and Descriptions
Russell, “On Denoting”, Strawson “On Referring”, Soames, Ch. 1, pp. 20-32
Assignment 1
W4, 25.10: Anti-Descriptivism and Direct Reference
Kripke, from Naming and Necessity, Evans, from Varieties of Reference, Soames, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, pp. 77-91
W5, 1.11: Propositional Content
Hanks, from Propositional Content, Moltmann, “Propositions, Attitudinal Objects, and the Distinction between Actions and Products”, Soames, Ch. 5
Assignment 2
Linguistic Meaning & Language
W6, 8.11: Context-Sensitivity
Kaplan, from “Demonstratives”, Soames, Ch. 4, pp. 93-105, Ch. 7,
W7, 15.11: Mood and Speech Acts
Stenius “Mood and Language Game”, Austin, How to Do Things With Words, VIII, Dummett, “Mood, Force, and Convention”, Recanati, from Meaning and Force
W8, 22.11: Expressives and Pejoratives
Kaplan “The Meaning of Ouch and Oops”, Potts, from the Logic of Conventional Implicature, Jeshion “Expressivism and the Offensiveness of Slurs”
Assignment 3
W9, 29.11: Language I: Idiolects and Public Languages
Lewis “Languages and Language”, Heck “Idiolects”, Dummett “Language and Communication”
W10, 6.12: Language II: Against Languages
Davidson “Communication and Convention”, “A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs”, Lepore & Ludwig “The Reality of Language”, Chomsky, “Language and Nature”, Stainton “In Defense of Public Languages”
Assignment 4
W11, 13.12:Wrap-Up
No Reading