Filosofía del Lenguaje I

Basic Information

Course modules 2023/2024
Aida Roige
Background courses


Tuesdays (11-13h) & Wednesdays (11-12h)
Classroom: 406. Philosophy Faculty, UB Raval.


Course structure

1. Basic concepts of philosophy of language
2. The notions of meaning and reference in Gottlob Frege
3. Bertrand Russell's Theory of Descriptions
4. Kripke: direct reference and linguistic externalism

Learning outcomes

Knowledge Related

— Understanding a number of fundamental concepts and basic distinctions in philosophy of language that are indispensable to the reading of contemporary philosophical works.

— To know the main positions that lie at the basis of contemporary discussions concerning the theory of reference and the relationship between language and the world, while studying some of the contributions of philosophers like Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell and Saul Kripke.

Related to skills

— To be able to identify the backbone arguments of a current philosophical or scientific text regarding the subject of language; to have the ability to raise doubts in the reading of texts and to find ways to resolve them (analysis).

— To be able to express and discuss, both in writing and orally, the arguments and considerations for or against certain philosophical position (argumentation).

— To use the relevant bibliography in relation to the contemporary study of language (bibliographic management).

Related to attitudes, values and norms

- To develop the capacity for reflection and critical spirit.

- To develop the desire to know and intellectual honesty.


The methodology and organization of the subject are based on the integration of: master classes, which consist of students discussing different aspects of the theories and arguments that will be presented; doing exercises, which will require both the students' previous work and their attendance to the discussion and correction sessions, conducted in class; the discussion of basic texts associated with the topics, to be presented in class; individual meetings with the students; and autonomous study and learning.

Issues 2, 3 and 4 have associated short readings by classical authors in philosophy of language, which serve as the basis for explanation and discussion in class. In addition, an attempt is made to apply the themes to issues relating to the social dimension of language, thus complying with the requirements of the Faculty Equality Plan.


Ongoing Assessment

Two partial exams: one towards the middle of the term and the other at the end. Each weighs 45 percent of the note. Participation in the proposed practical activities in class represents 10% of the final mark.

Single Assessment

A unique examination of the whole subject, on the date set by the Research Council. During the first days of class the deadline for applying for admission to the single evaluation is given.


To be able to submit to the reassessment, you must have obtained a previous global mark (in the ongoing evaluation tests or in the single evaluation) no less than 3 or more than 4.9.