Topics in ontology

Basic Information

Course modules 2024/2025
Marta Campdelacreu Arqués
Department of Philosophy
Universitat de Barcelona
Module 7. Issues in Contemporary Theoretical and Practical Philosophy


Mondays, 15:00-17:30
UB Raval. Classroom: 412


1. Introduction
2. Plenitudinism
3. Arbitrariness
4. Constitution
5. Personal Identity

The first four sessions consist of an introduction to the topics and methodology of the course. In each of the remaining sessions the focus is placed on some questions related to the following four issues in metaphysics: plenitudinism, arbitrariness, constitution and personal identity.

Learning Objectives

  • Referring to knowledge: to gain knowledge in analytic metaphysics concerning recent literature on plenitudinism, arbitrariness, constitution and personal identity.
  • Referring to abilities, skills: to acquire research skills in analytic metaphysics concerning recent literature on plenitudinism, arbitrariness, constitution and personal identity.
  • Referring to attitudes, values and norms: to develop attitudes, values and norms appropriate for research in analytic metaphysics concerning recent literature on plenitudinism, arbitrariness, constitution and personal identity.

Learning outcomes

Capacity to communicate conclusions, judgments and the grounds on which they have been reached to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.

Capacity to formulate and critically assess arguments in metaphysics.

Capacity to design, create, develop and undertake new and innovative projects in one's own field of study.

Capacity to engage both in general and specific discussions in metaphysics. Capacity to conduct a philosophical discussion (orally and in written form), by putting forward, for example, general arguments or specific examples, in support of one’s position.

Capacity to work both independently and in a team, in an international environment.

Capacity to identify methodological errors, rhetorical, conventional and uncritical assumptions, vagueness and superficiality.

Capacity to critically engage with the concepts and methods of analytic metaphysics.

Capacity to identify the core arguments and theories of metaphysics concerning theoretical issues.

Capacity to assess the writings of leading contemporary philosophers in metaphysics.

Capacity to identify and critically engage with the current state of debates in metaphysics.

Capacity to critically use specialized terminology in metaphysics.


The first four sessions consist of an introduction to the topics and methodology of the course. In each of the remaining sessions the focus is placed on some questions related to the following four issues in metaphysics: plenitudinism, arbitrariness, constitution and personal identity.

There are twelve regular 2.5-hour sessions. In general, sessions are divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to the presentation of the material scheduled for that session, while the second part is dedicated to its philosophical discussion.

Some of the papers/chapters covered in the session are presented by the students (in agreement with the lecturer). Everybody is expected to have read the papers/chapters in detail in advance and to come to each of the twelve sessions with thoughts, questions and objections.


Evaluation will be based on the contribution to discussions (20%), the quality of the presentation (30%) and a short (<3000 words) essay on a topic related to the seminar to be agreed with the instructor in due time (50%).


Blatti, S. Snowdon, P. (eds.) (2016): Animalism: New Essays on Persons, Animals, and Identity. OUP

Korman, D. (2015): Objects: Nothing out of the Ordinary. OUP

Koslicki, K. (2008): The Structure of Objects. OUP

Sider, T. Hawthorne, J. Zimmerman, D. (eds.) (2008): Contemporary Debates in Metaphysics. Blackwell

Olson, E. (2007): What Are We? Oxford University Press

Fairchild, M. (2023): 'Plenitude, Coincidence, and Humility'. Philosophical Perspectives 36(1): 59-77.

Fairchild, M. (2022): 'Arbitrariness and the Long Road to Permissivism'. Noûs 56(3): 619-638.

Other considerations

In agreement with the University of Barcelona Equality Policy, this course will incorporate a gender perspective that will include, among others, the following aspects:

Regarding class dynamics, we will try to ensure that everyone feels equally welcomed and encouraged to contribute to class discussions.

Regarding the content of the course and the readings that will be the basis for the different sessions of the course, we will use a bibliography that takes appropriately into account the significant contributions made by women to the topics we will discuss.

Regarding the grading of the course, we will try to be aware that unconscious gender biases might interfere in the grading process and will try to apply mechanisms to prevent them.