What our students say

Joan Bertran
PhD institution
Universitat de Barcelona
Currently at
University of Lisbon
FCT Postdoc researcher
The Aphil master was a great introduction to analytic philosophy and to research in general. The focus of its courses on philosophical rigour, and the variety of the courses offered made it a perfect choice for me.
David Rey
PhD institution
Universitat de Barcelona
Currently at
Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
The excellent training that I received in the Aphil master allowed me to prepare for pursuing an academic career and get a stable job as philosophy professor.
Chad Lee-Stronach
PhD institution
Australian National University
Currently at
Northeastern University
Assistant Professor
The APhil program is a rigorous and exciting intellectual community of graduate students, professors and visitors. The Department lies in the center of a beautiful and vibrant city. The program provides a very solid grounding in analytic philosophy. In my opinion, it's one of the best places in the world to be a student of analytic philosophy.
Laura Delgado
PhD institution
Universitat de Barcelona
Currently at
University of Lisbon
FCT Postdoc researcher
Undoubtedly the Aphil master was an excellent preparation for academic research. As a master student I benefitted enormously from participation in the various activities of the Logos group. I can’t recommend enough this course to those interested in pursuing advance graduate work.
Elena Ziliotti
PhD institution
Kings College and National University of Singapore
Currently at
Delft University of Technology
Assistant Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy
Aphil Master provided me with a remarkable opportunity to broaden my knowledge of philosophy. It also sharpened my skills in critical thinking, research and in argumentation. I highly recommend Aphil Master to any young philosopher interested in pursuing a PhD.
Jedrzej Grodniewicz
PhD institution
Universitat de Barcelona
Currently at
Jagiellonian University Krakow
Assistant professor
For me the Aphil Master was, first and foremost, an opportunity to understand what it means to do research. These things may seem trifle, but they are bread and butter of research in general. Crucially, you simply cannot learn them from people who don't do research themselves. This might be the single most important advantage of the Aphil Master.
Alessandra Buccella
PhD institution
University of Pittsburgh
Currently at
University of Albany, SUNY
Assistant Professor
I can confidently say that the Aphil master’s was THE reason why I felt that I could have a successful research career in philosophy. I had unique opportunities to network and interact with accomplished professional philosophers, getting a glimpse of what my professional future would look like. As a student at Aphil, I received plenty of encouragement and support from mentors and coleagues, and I formed personal and professional relationships that last to this day.
Claudia Picazo
PhD institution
Universitat de Barcelona
Currently at
Assistant professor
The Aphil master was a great opportunity to learn about some of the central and current debates in Analytic Philosophy. It is also an excellent preparation for the PhD.
Matilde Aliffi
PhD institution
University of Birmingham
Currently at
The Economist Group
Software engineer
I personally think that the Aphil master's in analytic philosophy is truly world-class... As an Aphil graduate, I can certainly say that this course prepared me really well for pursuing a doctoral degree afterwards, and the analytical and problem-solving skills I developed throughout the degree have also proven invaluable now that I am working as a software engineer. I highly recommend this course. It's an excellent choice for students who are passionate about philosophy and want to prepare themselves for a successful career in academia or beyond.
Luca Zanetti
PhD institution
School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia & Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Currently at
School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia / LSE
I am a very proud alumnus of APhil and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone wanting to pursue a career in analytic philosophy.
Alberto Oya Márquez
PhD institution
Universitat de Girona
Currently at
IFL-New University of Lisbon
FCT Junior Researcher
The Aphil Master is an excellent opportunity for those interested in pursuing an academic career in Philosophy.
Flavia Felletti
PhD institution
University Duisburg-Essen
Currently at
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Research associate, Professorship of Psychology, in particular Methodology and Evaluation Research
My experience in the APhil Master has been fully positive. The professors, my classmates, and the whole research environment has been truly motivating, and that is why I decided to pursue an academic career, which I had never considered before.
Dario Mortini
PhD institution
University of Glasgow
Currently at
Universitat de Barcelona
BIAP Postdoctoral Researcher
There's no doubt that the Aphil master prepared me exceptionally well to carry out original research in analytic philosophy. Because of its structure and taught subjects, the master teaches you how to raise and answer the most pressing questions in analytic philosophy.
Andrea Rivadulla Duró
PhD institution
Universitat de Barcelona
Currently at
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Postdoctoral researcher
Overall, my experience in the Master was truly life-changing: I could not have made a better decision after my undergraduate studies. To any student interested in analytic philosophy, I fervently recommend it!
Alba	Lojo
PhD institution
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Currently at
Universitá Roma Tre
Postdoctoral researcher
My experience during the APhil Master's programme was excellent. I definitely recommend it, especially if you are, like me, a lawyer looking for a deep understanding of social reality.
Aarón Álvarez González
PhD institution
Universitat de Barcelona
Currently at
Universitat de València
Juan de la Cierva postdoc
The Aphil master is a highly recommended option for those who want to enlarge and improve their philosophical knowledge and skills. Guided by the teachers, leading contributors to those debates, you get familiar with the contents, you learn how to navigate the increasingly vast philosophical literature and you learn how to make an informed contribution to those debates yourself.
Markel Kortabarria
Currently at
Universitat de Barcelona
PhD Student
When I finished my degree I was unsure about my future. Not many masters offered a curriculum that covered my interests. Fortunately, a very good teacher told me about LOGOS and APhil. I enrolled and a year later I had the most enjoyable and enriching academic experience of my life.
Adrià Segarra Torné
PhD institution
University of Cambridge
Currently at
FCPS Col·legi Sant Josep
Highschool teacher
Coming from a background in engineering, the APhil master was my first proper training in philosophy. This turned out to be the ideal training to later pursue a PhD in philosophy. I highly recommend the APhil masters to those interested in pursuing a career in analytic philosophy.
José Tarín González
Currently at
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
PhD Student
For me, this was a difficult but very instructive master's degree. We absolutely need a decent knowledge in as many disciplines as we can get. And this master's degree provides exactly that
Xavi Viñeta
Currently at
Universidad de Navarra
PhD Student
I am really grateful for what I felt was a very complete and rewarding masters experience.
Christian Carbonell
Currently at
Universidad de Valencia
PhD Student
If you think philosophy is more about being able to think (and think properly) than about being able to store other people's thoughts, you'll definitely have as great an experience as the one I had in the APhil Master. Doing philosophy is fun, though it can be quite hard, and that's the point where it gets rewarding. So here's my suggestion - if the courses are getting hard, you better befriend your classmates and go to La Ovella Negra to talk your worries out over a cold beer!
Currently at
Universitat de Barcelona
PhD Student
I can only be happy that I decided to study the Master in Analytic Philosophy. Not only did I have a lot of fun discussing different issues in metaethics, social epistemology, ontology, etc., but also learnt how to properly do research in philosophy and put my writing skills up to the test.
Robert Oliver
The APhil MA was the most exciting experience of my academic education. Besides the quality of teaching, the program’s coordination, and the variety of subjects offered, the program emphasises student autonomy, treating students as researchers rather than just listeners.
Roberto Moshammer
Currently at
Austrian National Bank
Analyst in financial stability
The APhil Master has been an exceptional experience. Coming from Economics, it broadened my perspective in multiple ways. The interdisciplinary nature of the classes, combined with the unique approach of analytic philosophy, created an excellent learning environment.
Portrait of Adriano Aguado
The APhil master has been for me an absolutely positive experience both academically and personally and if you are interested in analytic philosophy and have a research career in mind it will probably be for you as well. On a more personal note, I can also say that this master's degree has given me the opportunity to meet many wonderful people from all over the world with whom I have had the luxury of sharing ideas, concerns and projects, encounters that have allowed me to grow both academically and personally.


Sosa. Credit Steve Pike

The PhD course this year will be taught by Prof. Ernesto Sosa (Rutgers). 

Tuesday June 10, Thursday June 12 and Friday June 13, 12-14, at the María Zambrano Seminar

The annual PhD course is a mandatory training activity for LOGOS PhD students or those registered in the philosophy branch of CCiL. The course will be based on a new book Prof. Sosa is concluding: Dawning Light Epistemology and Domains of Trust

Image credit: Steve Pike


Valencia Philosophy Lab Summer School

Mental Representation and Consciousness

University of Valencia, June 16-20, 2025


The Valencia Philosophy Lab organizes a Summer School on Mental Representation and Consciousness, which will take place at the University of Valencia on June 16-20, 2025.

The Summer School is addressed to PhD students, post-docs, and early-career researchers. It will cover four sub-topics: